Breaking Free: The Role of Hypnotherapy in Quitting Vaping


The journey towards a smoke-free life is often paved with challenges, especially when the adversary is not traditional smoking, but its modern counterpart - vaping.

Initially embraced as a safer alternative, vaping has quickly evolved into a habit just as hard to break, with many a teenager passing by in a cloud of fruity-smelling vapour and the misconception of harmlessness. This blog delves into how hypnotherapy can help you break free from vaping's subtle yet persistent grip.

The Vaping Quandary

The transition from smoking to vaping is frequently celebrated as a victory in the battle against nicotine addiction. However, this victory is often short-lived as the realisation dawns that quitting vaping presents its own unique set of challenges. The physical act of vaping becomes a deeply ingrained habit, with the hand-to-mouth action mimicking smoking rituals, while the customisable nicotine levels can lead to unwittingly higher dependencies.

The notion that vaping is a far safer alternative to smoking is being increasingly debunked by cases of severe lung injuries associated with its use. Vaping side effects and lung injuries have been documented worldwide, causing symptoms like coughing, shortness of breath and chest pain. In extreme cases, there have even been patients who required hospitalisation and intensive medical intervention. Between 2020 and 2023, the NHS recorded 233 hospital admissions where vaping was the primary cause and 941 cases where it was either the primary or secondary cause (UKAT, 2024)

Chemicals within the clouds

Vaping liquids contain a cocktail of chemicals that users inhale directly into their lungs. Propylene glycol and vegetable glycerine, the main ingredients, create the vapour, but it’s the potential additives that raise the primary health concerns:


Most e-liquids contain nicotine, the addictive substance at the core of smoking, but this is often at startlingly high concentrations. For example, one study exploring nicotine levels found that one Juul 200-puff vape contained about the same amount of nicotine as twenty cigarettes.

Other harmful ingredients potentially found in vapes, particularly illegal ones bought outside of licensed premises, include:


Pulegone, banned by the FDA from being added to food, is the flavouring in some mint and menthol cigarettes and e-cigarettes. However, Pulegone is a known carcinogen, with one study finding that some vapes have far higher levels of Pulegone than menthol cigarettes.


Diacetyl, linked to “popcorn lung,” a common term for inflamed airways (bronchiolitis obliterans), can cause breathing issues when inhaled. It is banned in e-liquids in Europe but can still be found elsewhere and in illegal vapes in the UK. Acetoin is less toxic but transforms into diacetyl over time, while acetyl propionyl, also called pentanedione, leads to respiratory inflammation and lung damage.


Vape juice releases heavy metal particles into the aerosol when heated with metal components. More potent devices produce higher concentrations of these byproducts, which can cause major lung damage.

Vitamin E acetate, used illicitly to mix THC in vape juice, is also heavily linked to e-cigarette vaping-associated lung injuries (EVALI) and other health risks.


Diethylene glycol is used in various products, including antifreeze, but was found in some e-cigarettes in 2009, posing toxic risks despite its sweet taste.

The heating process can also transform many of these chemicals into volatile organic compounds and formaldehyde-releasing agents, which pose health risks.


Why Hypnotherapy Offers a Unique Solution

Traditional cessation methods often target the physical dependency on nicotine, offering patches, gums, and medications as substitutes. However, they overlook the psychological aspect, where the true battle against addiction lies. The biggest challenge my vaping clients face is replacing the hand to mouth action without resorting to snacks/junk food and finding alternatives ways to self-regulate. After all, many use vaping as a way to reduce stress or boredom. Hypnotherapy can be very powerful in overcoming vaping dependency as we look at the root causes of why you are vaping and look for ways to interrupt the triggers that lead you to need a puff on the vape.


So how does hypnotherapy help with quitting vaping?


Reprogramming Subconscious Triggers: Hypnotherapy navigates the subconscious mind, identifying and reprogramming the triggers that lead to vaping. This approach helps dissociate (separate) the act of vaping from daily routines and stress relief methods.

  1. Bolstering Willpower: Through the power of suggestion, hypnotherapy strengthens the your resolve to become vape-free, instilling a deep-seated belief in the ability to overcome addiction.
  2. Easing the Withdrawal Journey: Hypnotherapy aids in managing the psychological withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety and mood swings, making the cessation process more bearable.
  3. Unearthing and Addressing Root Causes: Many turn to vaping as a coping mechanism for stress, anxiety, or other emotional issues. Hypnotherapy works by uncovering these underlying causes, offering alternative coping strategies that don’t rely on nicotine.

Embarking on the Hypnotherapy Journey

The decision to quit vaping and seek hypnotherapy marks the beginning of a deeply personal journey. It's a step towards acknowledging that the struggle with vaping is not just a physical battle but a psychological one that requires understanding, patience, and the right support.

Making the leap to quit vaping through hypnotherapy is a testament to your commitment to health and well-being. It's about choosing a path that not only leads away from nicotine but also towards a deeper understanding of yourself. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards of overcoming vaping addiction through hypnotherapy are profound and lasting. You gain not just freedom from nicotine but also tools for emotional resilience and self-discovery.

In conclusion, if you're battling with vaping cessation, do get in touch for a no-obligation chat to find out how I can help you quit for good. With its focus on the psychological facets of addiction, hypnotherapy can empower you to break free from vaping's hold. Remember, every step taken towards quitting is a step towards reclaiming your freedom and health. Embrace the journey with hypnotherapy and discover a nicotine-free life that's not only possible but within reach.


Maria Baldwin is a CNHC registered hypnotherapist, offering hypnotherapy online as well as from her therapy room in Worsley,  Manchester.


Cover photo by Toan Nguyen on Unsplash